Thursday, October 25, 2007

Part 1

For me, part one of Komkives really conveyed this idea of a fluid leader. What I mean by this, is a person that truly understands that it is the communities with which they are involved that shape their position as leader. That one couldn't exist without the other, and along this theme is strength in delegation. As a few of you ladies mentioned, the absolute importance of knowing your strengths/weaknesses and teaming up with people who compliment you.
I have to say, that while reading this section, I began to think about my own orientation towards leadership, and began to realize that I associate a fair amount of 'being in control' to being a leader. The more I'm reading and analyzing this material, it's becoming clear that perhaps I should really examine my intention behind being a leader. I can't imagine that I would be very effective or approachable as a leader if my main concern was being in control.
So I'm starting to reshape my definition as to what a leader is. At this point it seems that a good definition of a leader for me is someone who is great at organizing. (I realize that of course this is not the only quality a leader must have, but I'm trying to challenge my previously held beliefs about leadership by introspection, and simplification.)

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