Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Guest Speakers, Sec 1 KLM, Laura Ann

Hey hey!!

I really LOVED the speakers! They were both really inspiring! Although I was a little sad when one of them (Jean I think) said to not tell people that you want to be a Senator or Governor or anything like that because... that is what I want to do! But, it's okay because they had a lot of really great advice! I love that they were both passionate about their jobs and helping the community. I liked how Jean said to be prepared to play the cards that you are dealt. She was deff not ready for her husband to die, or to take on a political position, or to be a single mother, but instead of dwelling on the bad she turned it around and made something good out of it. I like that Panny said to be prepared to take some bashing- which is so true. Movements dont happen when people are polite, they happen when people who are passionate about something strive to make things happen- strive to make a difference which will piss some people off.

The first part of this book begins to give the steps that you need to take to become an effective leader. It points out that there are new ways of leadership and that leadership is always changing. The chapter talks about followership and how to become an effective group member. The leadership process is not about things- it is about people.

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