Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Komives III (Katie L.N)

While reading this book, I just picked out a few quotes that stuck out to me, to discuss. I found this to be easiest since there is so much information...
When talking about Creative Conflict, the authors inserted a quote that I thought was good advice for not just leaders but for everyone. The quote: "...'Find the truth in what you oppose; find the fault in what you espouse!'"(p 230) I think in doing this, a person will be able to understand others better & therefore be a better person, not just leader.
In the chapter about communities I kept thinking that even the solo person, or the loner, is part of the community - even when they may not want to be or think they are not. And that is just what a community it - that loner is an essential part of the community. On page 289 the author said, "[a] person can lead an isolated life while surrounded by people..." While this is not the ideal situation, and most people would likely get more out of life if they did not isolate themselves, it is a reality.
There's not much I need to say about this quote, it tends to speak for itself. "Building community is creating a feel of 'we' out of lots of "I's""
The last thing that stuck out for me was from chapter 10. The author said, "[b]eing right can mean that others never have the right answer or approach."(p 313) I am one of many who likes to be right, all the time. While I do try to learn from my mistakes & admit when I am wrong, it's hard to do. What the authors said makes me look at it from the "other person's" perspective. I never considered that someone might feel that just because I am right it means they are wrong, or my way is better. But, I guess, that is essentially what it is and probably makes the other person feel unimportant.

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