Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our Final and Revised Group Contract

Hey there,

I have finalized our group contract, however it doesn't have everyone's input in it because I didn't get blogs back from everyone. If you have a problem with it please let me know BY 9AM TOMORROW. Thanks,

Laura Ann

1. How would we like to make our decisions?

While it would be ideal if our group could come to a consensus when trying to reach a decision we understand that sometimes situations will arise when a consensus will not be reached. In said situation we will vote on decisions that cannot be made by consensus.

2. What will we do to make sure that everyone is satisfied with our decisions? What will we do if someone remains unsatisfied?

We will make every effort to satisfy every group members needs and wishes but we know that there will be times when someone remains unsatisfied. We understand that it is important to communicate our feelings with one another and to work out our differences. We understand that we will have to be open to new ideas because everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that we cannot force someone to change their views. As long as the same person is not having to bend their thoughts or ideas every time there is a conflict we feel that we will be able to handle the situations that might occur.

3. Do we want to create formal roles in our group? If so what role would you like to take on?
We do not wish to establish formal roles at this time. As time moves along and the group members become more familiar with each other we may or may not decide to change this.

4. What participation expectations do you have for our group? Would you like the work divided up evenly or divided up according to each member’s strengths and weaknesses?
We will divide the work up evenly between the group members and if possible work around member’s strengths and weaknesses. We expect that if a load is to heavy for a group member to bear that they will inform the other member’s so that work can be completed.

5. Would you like to have weekly out of class meetings?
We would like to establish weekly out of class meetings, with dates and times to be announced at a later date.

6. How would you like to handle group conflict?

We will have a group meeting to talk about the problem. We will inform the group member or members that may be causing the conflict and talk about how to solve it.

7. What are the consequences if a group member fails to live up to the group’s expectations?
If a group member fails to complete her assigned tasks for our project and/or chooses not to actively participate in the group assignment their name will not be on the completed project.

8. How will we divide up the work if one of our group members drops the course or fails to cooperate with the group?

The best way to solve this problem is to try and divide their remaining work up between the remaining group members.


Laura Ann said...

I will also put add in that if any corrections are needed to be made to our contract we have the ability to change it at any time as long as there is a consensus.

Katie Lodovisi-Nichols said...

Laura Ann, this looks great! Thanks for compiling everything.

Shannon said...

It does look great! Thanks for putting it all together. See you all tomorrow...

Kamryn said...

This is perfect, I'm so sorry I wasn't in class or at school this weekend to post anything, my brother just had his baby.. but this contract is more than enough.. Thanks for putting it together! Hopefully I can sign it next week if not sooner!