Wednesday, September 19, 2007


This week's chapters can be summed up in a few words from page 147 of the Wilson book... "Neither initiative assigned blame, but both took responsibility for future solutions. To me this means what women of today need to start focusing on. At some point we need to acknowledge that it's not about assigning blame for the reasons that women are not in power in politics, law, or any other high powered leadership positions in the world today. In the end, it's about coming up with solutions. We need mentors, we need women who have been in leadership, thrived, and can share their experiences. We need action. I loved Wilson's idea that community is what needs to be stressed in the workplace today. I have never thought about the separation between family and work as something that doesnt even need to be fixed because it can be about integrating the two instead. Reading those lines was like a mini-epiphany to me. I felt myself nodding my head in agreement, even if it was involuntary as I read those visionary words. I've talked before about my desire to have a family and how I'm not really sure that I'd want to give that up to be some high powered cold business woman who receives, and more importantly, deserves, a large paycheck. I am ashamed to say that it never even occurred to me that I could 100 percent, have both. It's always been in the back of my mind, yeah, you can have both, a lot of nannys too and no interaction with your children. It sounds lame now that I think about it but I have always thought of women who are in high powered leadership positions and than thought to myself "bet their family life sucks though... do I really want that?" I cant express what a relief it is to realize there are plenty of women out there want the same things that I do, and that we are closer than ever before to getting these things!

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