Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dr. Mary Jo Larson, Laura Ann

I really enjoyed our speaker today, Dr. Mary Jo Larson. She was very interesting to listen to. I liked the activity that she had us do. I didn't realize how many women are influenced and encouraged by our fathers. I never have really made the connection as to why that was. My mother and her mother and her mother's mother were all homemakers and I suppose that that is why mother wasn't as encouraging to me as my father. Some of the role models that I wrote down were Princess Diana, My mom, Mother Teresa, and Ms. Scott, my 10th grade history teacher. All of those women are very selfless and very helpful. Princess Diana used her status symbol to break away from the mold and push for peace. I hope that I can learn to have some of the same qualities as my role models. I also liked how Dr. Larson asked us about mentors and support groups. I am going to try to look for someone to look up to and to emulate. Dr. Larson's points about types of power was very interesting. I especially liked how she talked about establishing a set of values and using those values to guide your ideas and your decisions.

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