Saturday, September 8, 2007

Group Contract: Laura Ann

1. How would we like to make our decisions?
a. vote

2. What will we do to make sure that everyone is satisfied with our decisions? What will we do if someone remains unsatisfied?
Communication is key. I hope that as long as everyone in the group keeps an open mind on other peoples ideas we will be able to work out all of our differences. If there is someone who remains unsatisfied we will continue to compromise until everyone is happy.

3. Do we want to create formal roles in our group? If so what role would you like to take on?
I am very organized and tend to take the lead. If it works out with everyone else I would like to take on the leadership role. If someone else would like to lead we can work to create tasks that will define our roles better.

4. What participation expectations do you have for our group? Would you like the work divided up evenly or divided up according to each members strengths and weaknesses?
I think that our work should be divided up by or strengths but also somewhat evenly divided up so that everyone contributes to the group.

5. Would you like to have weekly out of class meetings?
I would like to have out of class meetings in order to keep ourselves organized and focused. I am available Tuesday and Wednesday until 1:30pm, and after 7pm; and Thursdays and Fridays after 7pm.

6. How would you like to handle group conflict?
I think that as long as we continue to talk about all of the conflicts we run into we will be able to maintain order in our group.

7. What are the consequences if a group member fails to live up to the groups expectations?
I think that Prof. Scott and Bernard said that there would be a questionnaire at the end of the semester about each participants commitment to the group. I think that if someone completely
withdrawals them self from the group (for reasons unrelated to health, etc.) then their name should not appear in the presentation.

8. How will we divide up the work if one of our group members drops the course or fails to cooperate with the group?
Whatever work is left over I think that we can divide up between the existing group members.

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