Sunday, September 9, 2007

Group Contract - Katie

1. How would we like to make our decisions?

2. What will we do to make sure that everyone is satisfied with our decisions? What will we do if someone remains unsatisfied?
As long as we continue talking I don't think this will be a huge issue and if it does become one talking generally overcomes that. However, I think there are just going to be times when one person may have to adjust their views if we cannot come to an agreement. Sometimes you can talk and talk and it doesn't change a person's views, and that's OK. But if this happens I don't think it's a good idea to spend a ton of time on it. As long as it's not always the same person having to bend their views.

3. Do we want to create formal roles in our group? If so what role would you like to take on?
I am also a very organized person and also tend to take on the leadership role. However, I think it is hard to define formal roles in a group like ours. Generally, I find that when people take on roles, they come naturally and people are not formally given a set role. I also think it works better to let them form naturally because depending on what's being worked on roles tend to change. So, I feel we should not set formal roles, I would not argue if everyone else thinks we should have roles. But, I guess I can't really think of 5 "role names" that we could formally assign ourselves???

4. What participation expectations do you have for our group? Would you like the work divided up evenly or divided up according to each members strengths and weaknesses?
I agree that it should be divided evenly, but along with our strengths if possible.

5.Would you like to have weekly out of class meetings?
I would like to have out of class meetings either weekly or every other week. I am not really big into relying on the Internet to get ideas expressed and to have discussions. I am available: Monday - generally from 6pm - 7:15pm (on campus)
Tuesday - before class or after 9pm
Thursday - from 11:30am-ish to 1:15pm or after 9pm
(I am still figuring out my schedule for my other class (& work) that I have to find an internship and depending on that if we can have a set time, I may be available either Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 9:30am - 12:30pm)

6. How would you like to handle group conflict?
Talk about it until it is settled.

7. What are the consequences if a group member fails to live up to the groups expectations?
Obviously we will be able to "grade" them after the presentations. I agree that that person's name should not be included in the presentation, but that's only if they do not prepare the material they are supposed to. It's hard to set a "consequence." I have been in a lot of groups where a person didn't work with the group but they did get the material they were supposed to. So, I guess I am not really sure about this part. I definitely want to know what the rest of you think.

8. How will we divide up the work if one of our group members drops the course or fails to cooperate with the group?
Divide the work between the remaining members.

Basically, I think any problem we have we can discuss it and figure it out. If one person seems to be slacking, we should talk to them because there is generally a good reason. Often things come up in life and we don't always realize that we are letting other things go - so, a friendly nudge and reminder would probably solve the problem.

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