Thursday, September 6, 2007

Group Contract

I think that in order to get out group contract done we need to have each person respond to the questions at the bottom of the page. I will take all of our answers and use that to create our group contract. I'll post it on here when we have all answered the questions. If you could please post your answers by 12pm Monday, I will be able to have a draft posted by Tuesday or Wednesday.

Also, I will email Prof Scott and Bernard with our URL!

Laura Ann

1. How would we like to make our decisions?
a. vote
b. consensus
c. other, please specify

2. What will we do to make sure that everyone is satisfied with our decisions? What will we do if someone remains unsatisfied?

3. Do we want to create formal roles in our group? If so what role would you like to take on?

4. What participation expectations do you have for our group? Would you like the work divided up evenly or divided up according to each members stregnths and weaknesses?

5. Would you like to have weekly out of class meetings?

6. How would you like to handle group conflict?

7. What are the consequences if a group member fails to live up to the groups expectations?

8. How will we divide up the work if one of our group members drops the course or fails to cooperate with the group?


Shannon said...

Thanks for compiling all of our answers, Laura Ann. It might be a good idea to put a little blurb at the bottom of our contract that says something about how we can revise any of these items at anytime during the semester, if necessary. That way things aren't set in stone...

1. How would we like to make our decisions? a. vote
b. consensus
c. other, please specify

I think that it would be great if we could all come to a consensus when trying to reach our decisions, but we’ve all been in group situations and sometimes it seems like it isn’t possible to make everyone happy. Therefore, I think the most realistic choice for this would be to vote. That way we could see how everyone feels about whatever we are trying to decide and we could talk through our differences in opinion to make sure everyone’s voice is heard and that everyone is on the same page.

2. What will we do to make sure that everyone is satisfied with our decisions? What will we do if someone remains unsatisfied?
Making sure that every member of the group is satisfied sometimes requires a great deal of patience and cooperation. I think it is extremely important to talk through our decisions if we can tell that someone in our group is not happy and to remain open to their opinion.

3. Do we want to create formal roles in our group? If so what role would you like to take on?
This seems like a question that we could revisit as the semester goes on as we become more clear about what we’re doing for our project…

4. What participation expectations do you have for our group? Would you like the work divided up evenly or divided up according to each member's strengths and weaknesses?
I expect that we will be open and honest with each other if we encounter any problems during the semester. If one of us determines that the amount of work we have taken on for the project becomes too much, please let the other members know before the day the project is due so that the work can be completed.

For the second question—It’s a great idea to divide the work up as evenly as possible, while also taking into consideration each member’s strengths and weaknesses.

5. Would you like to have weekly out of class meetings?
Weekly out of class meetings are fine with me if we think they are necessary. We will probably be able to be more specific about this as the semester goes on.

6. How would you like to handle group conflict?
I have learned that the best way to handle group conflict is to have a group meeting and to talk directly to the person (or people) who are causing the problem and let them know that there is a problem (because as shocking as it is—sometimes people are completely unaware that they are even causing a problem!).

7. What are the consequences if a group member fails to live up to the groups expectations?
If they don’t do their share of the work, their name will not be on the final project.

8. How will we divide up the work if one of our group members drops the course or fails to cooperate with the group?
I think the best way to handle this scenario would be to divide that person’s work up evenly among the remaining group members, if possible.

Alli Feldhaus said...

1. How would we like to make our decisions?
a. vote

2. What will we do to make sure that everyone is satisfied with our decisions? What will we do if someone remains unsatisfied?
Ask, if they are unsatisfied, try to acomidate them as best as possible while still stickingg to our group's general consensus.

3. Do we want to create formal roles in our group? If so what role would you like to take on?
No, I dont think they're necessary.

4. What participation expectations do you have for our group? Would you like the work divided up evenly or divided up according to each members stregnths and weaknesses?
Everyone participates equally. We can discuss as a group what we would each perfer to be our particular responsibility and come to a consensus that way.

5. Would you like to have weekly out of class meetings?
Not unless they're necessary.

6. How would you like to handle group conflict?
Talking them out.

7. What are the consequences if a group member fails to live up to the groups expectations?
We discuss it first and if it doesnt improve, seek council from someone higher, ie the instructors.

8. How will we divide up the work if one of our group members drops the course or fails to cooperate with the group?
Each remaining member will have to take on a bit of the responsibility that that person has. I think this would be something that we would have to discuss in depth with the group, kind of a cross that bridge when we come to it type of thing.