Tuesday, November 13, 2007

This is a good article, its from the Washington Post, it is titled Sex, Blood, and Advertising.

Washington Post

Here is part of the article:

Krissy Benner of McLean wrote: "Everyday I read the KidsPost with my boys after school. This morning I tore out the KidsPost page to save it for them. I was very horrified when I turned the page over today and saw a full-page ad . . . featuring a smiling man with blood splattered all over his face. How am I going to explain this disturbing picture?"

The Post may be the only big newspaper in the country with a staff-produced daily page for children; it usually runs on the back page of the Style section or just inside. Advertising executives don't monitor what goes on the back of KidsPost, but editors try to keep an eye out for inappropriate ads.

Katharine Weymouth, vice president of advertising, didn't see the ad before it was published. She said she would have tried to change it had she known. Executive Editor Len Downie found out about it late in the evening and alerted Publisher Bo Jones, who felt it was too late to change.

Another questionable ad ran in April on the back of KidsPost -- a full-page body lotion ad featuring a nude woman. Weymouth wrote to an upset reader: "We actually had a fair amount of internal debate about whether to run it and ultimately, decided to take it. We erred on the side of running it because we felt that, while she is nude, it was reasonably discreet. As a mother of three young children myself, I take your point about putting it behind the KidsPost page."

Ads with sexual content draw complaints. Lucy Cooney of the District wrote that one ad was "offensive beyond words. I am appalled." David Brown of Gaithersburg wrote about two more: "Am I the only reader getting sick of seeing all the ads, usually on Page A3 or A4 (this morning both!) advertising 'better sex for life' ?"


Shannon said...

Sorry I keep getting involved in this--but I remember when the ad "featuring a smiling man with blood splattered all over his face" appeared on the back of the KidsPost (picture: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/opinions/pages/C12_20070928.pdf). I was horrified too because the ad was so disturbing and what the heck was it doing near the kids section--or actually ANYWHERE in the paper?!

I remember that the ad was for "Dexter" which is a show on Showtime about a cop who is also a serial killer in his spare time.

Katie Lodovisi-Nichols said...

Wow - I never read the Post, but that is rediculous. I don't even want to see that - let alone my kids. What's the point of advertising like that?! Do we really gain from it?