Thursday, November 8, 2007

Exploring Leadership Assigned reading

I have to agree with Laura Ann, in that Chapter 4 was definitely my favorite thus far. I know that I've mentioned this before, but I really see so much value in exploring this idea of integrity. I am so glad to see it discussed in this book! Reflecting on some of my strengths and weaknesses (while thinking about my psychological type) I would have to say that I am definitely more comfortable with open-deadlines. In other words, I have much difficulty getting things accomplished on time. I'm trying to figure out this might be considered a strength, but I probably shouldn't think too hard on figuring that out! I know that I am most definitely an extrovert, and feel incredibly energized after connecting with people in a meaningful way.
I also really liked this ideal of "A Person of Character" p. 133-134. I was actually thinking last night about how I could improve in some of these areas (I feel that I'm focusing on these qualities more as strengths that I have, and am improving upon them, rather than focusing on my weaknesses- so as not to disempower myself.) Most of these characteristics I feel pretty solid in, however the idea of accountability (especially with following through, and with deadlines) is a work in progress.

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