Thursday, November 29, 2007

Blog Posting, Laura Ann

There isn't any reading due for today and I was sick last week so I missed the speakers. I suppose that I will just blog on the class and what it has taught me.

I have really enjoyed this class because it has taught me how far women have come and how far women still need to go in respect to equal treatment. I think that since the class was opened up with the movie Iron Jawed Angels it really put the class into the feminist mindset. The film was eye opening because I had never realized how much those women went through to help us get where we are today. This class has helped me to recognize oppression and to try and do something about it. Our group project has also helped me see how women are used to sell products. It never occurred to me before that women were used to sell things- through advertisements. In our project there are different advertisements and commercials going back through history that show how women were told what they were supposed to do (be homemakers) and use sex appeal to sell products. The project really helped me to put into action what we have been learning this whole semester. I have really also enjoyed all of the guest speakers- I am really sad that I missed the last one. They have all taught me something about leadership and the advancement of women. The common theme that they all passed on was passion. If you dont have a passion for what you are doing, then why are you doing it? I really have enjoyed this class and I hope that you continue to offer it so that other students (maybe even a guy or two) can learn from it what we have.

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